So, I decided to bring back the Giant "&" Monster (with tentacles) from TOWOJM. I originally wasn't because it was just too silly. But I didn't have any better ideas, so J & S find this strange creature on their doorstep and go wandering form mad scientist's place to mad scientist's place trying to figure out where it came from. Maybe I would unearth a deeper story while I was at it.

Doctor Dot was a bit of a no go. Nothing worked for me with that. It was good for a few quick jokes, but nothing more.

Doctor Tom was the paydirt. The simple concept of a genetic engineer who created species to hunt them was a door opener into the possibilities. It was here I came up with the idea of New Atlantis, J & S Oddjobs, as well as a plethera of storyline possibilities.

After that, I went to Doctor Zee's house in the hopes of unearthing even more. I did come up with an idea or two here (its hard to remember where every idea I had originated). I admit the ending was rushed, mainly because I wanted to be done with it. I managed to throw Madam Lisa in as an actual villain, and snagged Dr. Zee as an extra house guest (because I want this to be a more ensemble cast).

That's this arc in a nutshell. (Yes, I'm tired while writing this, I'll add more later.)

And now for the aftermath...

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"Our Odd World" copyright 2004 Joshua Meyer.