At the point of starting this "arc", I was still trying to figure out how I wanted to start the comic. I intended to retain three characters from my old TOWOJM, Joshua Meyer, Serenia, and Madam Lisa. But I had no idea how to get started, or where I was going.

It's important to note that at this time I still had not concieved the idea of "J & S Oddjobs," nor the island of New Atlantis. Pretty much all I had was a world where weird things were the norm, and those three characters.

So, I decided to simply try and draw whatever came to mind. And Serenia getting into a fight with a movie theatre was the first thing to come to mind.

But at the end, I still was no better off than when I started. So I decided to retrieve a fourth character from TOWOJM...

Strange Scientists and Long Speeches

A few quick side notes on "At the Movies."

The movie Serenia and Josh opt to see is entitled Panther Lady II. This is actually an idea for a different superhero based comic strip. I doubt I will get to it, however. Mainly because even though I like the characters, I have no plot ideas. Meh, maybe I'll come up with something.

The other movie Josh requests, The Happy Foxes is a nod to my own varied tastes in movies (stories in general, really). I like everything from the insanely cute to the angsty superhero stuff. I'm wierd like that.

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"Our Odd World" copyright 2004 Joshua Meyer.